
Shortages in maternity care? Use a Maternity care app!

Summer. Not just time for sun, strawberries and holiday plans, but also for news about shortages in maternity care. Because there are still not enough maternity nurses joining the workforce. And in the summer months, more babies are always born. Double the rush. 

As a result, many families receive less maternity care than they would like. Or fewer hours than they are entitled to. Maternity nurses work as hard as they can, but have to divide their time. They sometimes care for 2 or 3 families a day. So as young parents, you can be sure of basic help in the start with your baby. But you may still be left with questions or doubts in the remaining hours. Remote professional support and advice is then ideal. Via a maternity care app, for example.

Just being able to tell my story during a difficult night was very valuable

Healthcare online increasingly common

Online care is also called e-health. We are now so used to looking online first for all the information we seek that online care actually makes perfect sense. Googling online provides a lot of information, but not all information is equally reliable. Or sometimes
contradictory. It can make you even more insecure. A professional maternity care app offers information and help from experienced maternity care professionals. You can rely on them. One user of the BabyManager maternity care app experiences this extra help in a positive way: "I've used the chat function a lot and it's been a great help. Just being able to tell my story during a difficult night was also very valuable!"

Also want to try BabyManager? Download the app and start a 3 day trial!

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Truly Dutch: maternity care at home

Maternity care, by the way, is typically Dutch. Thanks to our unique system, most women in the Netherlands can still give birth at home with confidence. Or leave hospital immediately after giving birth, because a maternity assistant is on hand at home for the initial care. Maternity nurses keep a close eye on mother and child during the first few days. And they do the most important medical checks. They are basically the eyes and ears of the midwife. That unique maternity care system, in which they coach and give confidence to the young family, can obviously never be replaced by online care. But online support does fill a gap during extreme busyness. And even has additional benefits.


24/7 support and assistance

Because you'll always see, just as the maternity assistant has left the door, you suddenly have a question. Or you have doubts about your baby's crying that sounds different from usual. About bottle or breastfeeding. Or about how much or how little your child suddenly sleeps. Then it's nice to have a quick consultation with a professional. No matter how late in the evening or early in the morning it is. Because caring for your baby obviously has no closing times. You can be busy with that day and night. And especially at night, things can sometimes feel bigger and scarier than during the day. Many parents find that a chat or video call with an experienced maternity assistant is exactly what they need. And even after your maternity week, a maternity app offers advice and information. Some apps even have fun extras like an online photo album.

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Maternity care app reimbursed by health insurers

Maternity care apps are now also seen by health insurers as a valuable addition to the care you need after giving birth. That is why a number of maternity care apps are reimbursed by all health insurers. The maternity care app BabyManager, for instance, is also covered. In the basic version, the app is free for everyone. The version BabyManager+ Advice in which you can chat and video call maternity carers day and night is paid for. If your maternity care organisation is affiliated with BabyManager, you will receive the first 2 months as a gift from your health insurer. Right in those first months with your baby when you will be faced with many new situations and therefore many questions.


Thousands of parents already use maternity app

Maternity care apps are therefore becoming increasingly popular. Pregnant and brand-new parents are discovering the convenience of remote guidance that is also available outside care hours. And of all the information in the app coming from experienced maternity nurses and therefore completely reliable. So always choose a maternity care app from a professional organization. The BabyManager app, for example, has been developed by organizations including Kraamzorg De Waarden, with 25 years of experience in maternity care. As a result, the app has already been downloaded more than 12,000 times.

Join the many satisfied parents and also download the BabyManager app!


Try the maternity care app BabyManager for free!

Together, let's keep maternity care accessible during this busy period. Download BabyManager and ask your questions via chat or video call.


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